Workflow to automate and guide people in delivering Unity builds for macOS.
We delivered builds to the Appstore using this script but beyond that it is possible that some things are not correct (e.g. iCloud, Building for outside the Appstore, … ) Things also change often so if you notice a mistake don’t hesitate to tell in the thread below.
There seems to be a bug with Unity 2018 which will have your bundle rejected because of gamekit. So don’t upgrade until this is fixed (fixed in 2018.3 and up). Link to workaround by giorgos_gs
Fix from Giorgos
There is a bug with OSX/MacOS and Unitypurchasing. When quitting your build either takes up to 10 seconds to close or outright crashes. We are not 100% sure if it has something to do with our setup or not, so just see if your build closes properly, if it does ignore this. Below is currently the only fix I have found taken from this Issue. Place this on an object that will live throughout your game/app.
void OnApplicationQuit()
if (!Application.isEditor) { System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); }
We decided to leave IAP behind though and disable Purchasing altogether. If you are developing for more Platforms and like us want to use Purchasing in them, just wrap the code for initialising (in unitypurchasing) in platform dependant directives.
If you are supporting users on Mavericks make sure you have added OpenGlCore Graphics Library otherwise if you only use Metal you can set the Minimum system version to 10.10.0 in your Info.plist (see chapter Info.plist)
For a first build just follow all the steps. In each folder you will find instructions to deal with the problem at hand in chronology. After you finished the steps a first time you can just run “RepeatForUpdatedBuild” to quickly repeat the whole process. But you need to finish the steps so all the data used is correct otherwise problems will arise.
If you already have all the necessaries you can place them in their respective directories, following the table below and run “RepeatForUpdatedBuild”
DEV.provisionprofile | 0_BeforeYouBuild/ProvisioningProfiles/Development/ |
APPSTORE.provisionprofile | 0_BeforeYouBuild/ProvisioningProfiles/Appstore/ |
DEV_ID.provisionprofile | 0_BeforeYouBuild/ProvisioningProfiles/Developer/ |
YOURGAME | 1_MyBuild/ |
PlayerIcon.icns | 2_Icons/MyOsxIcon/ |
UnityPlayerIcon.png | 2_Icons/MyUnityPlayerIcon/ |
Info.plist | 4_InfoPlist/ |
entitlements.plist | 5_Entitlements/Distribution/ |
OPTIONAL (entitlements.plist) | 5_Entitlements/Development/ |
All scripts (and todos) are described in more detail in each folder. As everything is automated there are also failsafes in place for overwriting or to check if needed files are present. We will not describe all of those, but you can view the script to see what is happening.
Creates PlayerIcon.icns & UnityPlayerIcon.png from single png file and placed them in BUILD/Contents/resources/
Script to Delete meta files in “BUILD/Contents/Plugins/plugin_x”
Info.plist is copied from “BUILD/Contents/” to “4_InfoPlist/” so you can update it manually once and reuse it after.
Copies your manually updated Info.plist from “4_InfoPlist/” to “BUILD/Contents/”
Takes the adjusted Info.plist and finds your BundleIdentifier. Opens all bundles in the plugins folder and replaces the BundleIdentifier value with yours.
Self explanatory.
Script that calls all the other scripts to speed up preparing updates and creating new builds.
When you need to run the script over and over again, or you want to automate this process for future builds, call ./PluginsReplaceBundleId -h
to see automation options.
Here is an example of a fully automated process:
ATTENTION: This is no shortcut to set up the steps by hand!
./RepeatForUpdatedBuild -q -t appstore -i 'TEAM NAME (XXXXXXXXXX)' -s deep
The only thing that needs to be done manually is placing the build in the right directory, and uploading the final package via Application Loader.
As we will not be constantly uploading games to the App Store it might be good to have other people pitching in so that there’s a central point to get help that doesn’t age. So anyone who wants to become a contributor just pm me on git even if it is to just add some documentation.
We do not take credit for anything besides creating this workflow, tying the code we found together in bash with added automation and organising & rehashing documentation. Below are the credits for all the posts, threads we used. If we missed a spot please contact us.
We created this workflow because delivering a Unity build to Apple is a mess and the answer is spread across several websites which makes it hard to wrap your head around the correct final chronology especially if you’re new or on Windows.
There are tools out there like Signed that will also take care of signing, but often it’s better to understand and not depend upon 3rd party assets, especially when things go wrong. We have tried to include paths, actions and DIY as much as possible so you can understand what’s happening and where everything is supposed to go.
N3uRo | UNITY THREAD | Unity Assetstore Page |
Zwilnik | GUIDE | |
Victor Leung | MEDIUM GUIDE | .. |
Matthias | GUIDE | |
Dilmer Valecillos | GUIDE | |
BrainAndDrain | UNITY POST/GUIDE | |
Alamboley | CODESIGNING GIT | |
JoeStrout | POST BUILD,SIGN, ZIP | |
Henry | ICON GEN | .. |
TranslucentCloud | PIXEL GRID | .. |
Worked on this workflow? Add yourself! Btw you can use the “doc/CombineAllReadmeIntoDoc” to recompile all readme’s for the online manual page.
Post | Atorisa | Assets | |
Corrections guide iCloud | omgitsraven | [Home]( | |
Build automation | v01pe | |
Just place this workflow somewhere outside of your Unity project.
Xcode is actually required ( and has to be installed at /Applications ) for a IL2CPP build. If you have more versions of Xcode and run into problems Read This by Hogwash
You can also use it to open your .plist files later. Or alternatively to create your icon without the scripts.
If you do not already have one go to Apple Developer portal and pay 100$ to get confused by professionals. And you might as well enable AUTO RENEW in the membership tab at Apple Developer portal. So you avoid surprises.
SELLING ON APPSTORE? If you are not releasing a free app/game and want to get paid outside of the US. Go fix the banking and tax first at Appstore Connect » Agreements, Tax and banking. It’s not necessarily something that has to happen now, but get it over with if you are about to release. Prepare for some serious legal and tax lingo.
Go to the Apple Developer Portal and create your certificates. Depending on where you want to release your game you will need different certs. These serve as an identity that will be added to your iCloud keychain and allow you to codesign and create your provisioning profiles later. More on certificate names here And here What happens when you use the wrong here
In the creation process the field “common name” will name your keychain. Make sure you name your certificates in a way you can recognise them later. Its not a disaster if you don’t but it does make your keychain a bit more clear if problems arise later. So for example “TEAM_Mac Installer Distribution”.
IMPORTANT Always make sure you use the correct certificates and provisioning profiles. If you have used old certificates (and provisioning profiles) you will need to download these again from the member center. CREDIT Atorisa
When your certificates are installed on the keychain test to double check with the terminal and the command below. Problems? [read this guide for troubleshooting.] ( [or this] ( Note on our build the Mac Installer Distribution did not show up but worked.
security find-identity -vp codesigning
| CERTIFICATE NAME | DESC | |:–|:–| | Mac Development | Sign development versions of your Mac app |
| CERTIFICATE | DESC | |:–|:–| | Mac App Distribution | This certificate is used to code sign your app and configure a Distribution Provisioning Profile for submission to the Mac App Store. | | Mac Installer Distribution | This certificate is used to sign your app’s Installer Package for submission to the Mac App Store. |
| CERTIFICATE | DESC | |:–|:–| | Developer ID Application | This certificate is used to code sign your app for distribution outside of the Mac App Store. | | Developer ID Installer | This certificate is used to sign your app’s Installer Package for distribution outside of the Mac App Store. |
Apple Developer Portal Go to App Identifiers. Examples : COM.COMPANY.PRODUCT, UNITY.COMPANY.PRODUCT, … It’s up to you. Note that you cannot disable In App Purchase. IAP is always enabled, but if you don’t implement any button or script in Unity you can just ignore this. More info on bundle identifiers here
Enable any services such as (iCloud, Game Center, …) you are going to use and configure them if necessary. It’s important you do this before you download your Provisioning Profile so that this information can be included in your profiles.
iCloud To create a single app that shares data through iCloud you always need to create separate App Identifiers for iOS/tvOS and macOS. And seeing that Unity builds with iOS can use Xcode it’s easier to configure them on iOS.
QUOTE Joel @kittehface With iOS/tvOS being the flagship platforms, it probably makes more sense to create your primary App ID for them and have a secondary one for macOS. But the secondary one will need to have a different name. Both App IDs will need to have the iCloud/CloudKit capability set. Again, you can do all the primary work on the iOS/tvOS App ID. If you’re also doing your Unity game on those platforms, make a build there, have it generate the Xcode project, and use Xcode to turn on the iCloud capability and set up CloudKit. It’ll handle creating your default container (which will be named for the iOS/tvOS App ID).
When enabling iCloud support in an Identifier on the Apple developer website, make sure to also click the “edit” button to the right, and put a checkmark next to the iCloud container(s) your game will be using (if they aren’t checked already).
Go to iTunes connect and create a new (macOS) app.
QUOTE Victor Leung Login to iTunes Connect, choose My Apps > “+” > “New Mac App”, fill in the values and choose the bundle ID matches with the previous step. The prefix field would be the game name, such us ufo in my case.
The type of provisioning profile depends on your selling platform (in -or Outside Appstore). To test Appstore features like Game Center you will need to create a separate provisioning profile for Appstore development as the distribution build will not allow testing.
Testing | Mac App Development |
Distribution Appstore | Mac App Store |
Distribution Outside Appstore | Developer ID |
Go to the Apple developer portal. Just follow the instructions, if you have more problems follow this tutorial. Also give a clear name to your profiles when you download them so you do not make mistakes later.
If this is the first time you will be asked to add a device and give the UUID of this device you can find this here: About this Mac > System Report > Hardware overview (Hardware UUID: XXXXXXXXX) Also you will need to include all test devices in a development profile so if you need to add more devices do this now.
IMPORTANT Make sure you have set up all services such as iCloud before downloading your profiles.
“QUOTE Joel @ kittehface” Since we’re doing a development build, create your provisioning profile with your development certificate, then make sure to set your Mac as one of the allowed devices before generating and downloading it. Also make sure you’ve taken care of all the CloudKit setup before you generate the provisioning profile.
These will be copied later into your app as embedded.provisionprofile ( dependant on the build you chose).
Development | 0_BeforeYouBuild/ProvisioningProfiles/Development/RESPECTIVE.provisionprofile |
Appstore | 0_BeforeYouBuild/ProvisioningProfiles/Appstore/RESPECTIVE.provisionprofile |
Outside Appstore | 0_BeforeYouBuild/ProvisioningProfiles/Developer/RESPECTIVE.provisionprofile |
QUOTE “Zwilnik @ Strange flavour” Another key step is to include a copy of the provisioning profile in the app bundle before signing it. It goes in the app bundle at Contents/embedded.provisionprofile. Again, this is something Xcode would do for you normally that you have to do manually when building with Unity. Do this for both development and distribution builds including the correct development or distribution profile.
IMPORTANT There seems to be a bug with Unity 2018 which will have your bundle rejected because of gamekit. So don’t upgrade until this is fixed (currently 2018.2). Link to workaround by giorgos_gs
Add to any GO that will live @ startup to fix retina on large screens.
If you want to build for outside the Appstore, make sure you uncheck Mac Appstore validation in your build.
Mac Appstore validation | true (if building for Appstore) |
Default is Full Screen | true |
Default is Native Resolution | true |
Capture Single Screen | false |
Version | Read below |
Build | Read below |
| KEY | VALUE | |:–|:–| |Version | Build or version number should always be increased each time you upload to the Appstore as you cannot upload a package with identical version & build More on Version & build| |Build| Used to upload packages to the Appstore that you do not want to show in your public version. Can be the same as ShortVersionString, but if you want to change your screenshots at the Appstore you will need to send them a new package, with build you could hide this new version without increasing your version number.|
Don’t use 0 in your decimals when you define your version. e.g. to 1.1XX. If you use 1.01 Apple will set your version to 1.1 on Itunes Connect, it will show 1.01 on the Appstore page, but you will not be able to upload a 1.1 version to iTunes Connect anymore forcing you to jump from 1.01 to 1.11. So either 1.0.1 or 1.11
Make sure you do not immediately close the Menu containing the IAP button with onPurchaseComplete. If you do use Invoke to delay the closing for 0.1 seconds otherwise you will have problems. It will seem to work on some devices but with others your purchase will not come through.
So that’s “1_MyBuild/MYGAME”
If you have created an PlayerIcon.icns & UnityPlayerIcon.png and want to use those just put it them in the folders described below and Run “OSX Icon” to copy them to Contents/resources in your build.
PlayerIcon.icns | 2_Icons/MyOsxIcon/ |
UnityPlayerIcon.png | 2_Icons/MyUnityPlayerIcon/ |
Either use this icon as a base or:
./OSX\ Icon -h
On High Sierra there is no way to create an icns file that includes all 10 required sizes through icon util (Everything but 16X16@1x and 32x32@1x). The only way to do this is to run this script on an older OS. I believe I did it with Sierra. You can open .ICNS files with preview to double check. I am not sure if this is a problem though. I have read not all are necessary. But if you are obsessive on details like me there is no other way. Believe me I have tried it all. Nothing worked besides running the IconUtil on an older OS.
Filename | Pixel size |
icon_512x512@2x.png | 1024 x 1024 @ 144 dpi |
icon_512x512.png | 512 x 512 @ 72 dpi |
icon_256x256@2x.png | 512 x 512 @ 144 dpi |
icon_256x256.png | 256 x 256 @ 72 dpi |
icon_128x128@2x.png | 256 x 256 @ 144 dpi |
icon_128x128.png | 128 x 128 @ 72 dpi |
icon_32x32@2x.png | 64 x 64 @ 144 dpi |
icon_32x32.png | 32 x 32 @ 72 dpi |
icon_16x16@2x.png | 32 x 32 @ 144 dpi |
icon_16x16.png | 16 x 16 @ 72 dpi |
The script will go into “1_MyBuild/YOUR.APP/Contents/Plugins” and find & delete any “.meta” files in your bundles.
Every time you build Unity adds meta files to the plugins which give problems if they get signed.
CREDIT / QUOTE “Zwilnik @ Strange flavour” Firstly, as I mentioned, Unity has an annoying issue with its file system. Anything in your project folders gets a .meta file created for it (I’m assuming to help track it within the Unity editor). This is normally fine as long as you remember to build your target app outside your project folder, except for when you use any plugins..
Because your plugins are stored within the project folder, their bundle files all have .meta files in them. When it comes to signing, these meta files break the signing and as they’re data files in the root of the bundle (which is bad).
Open “YOUR_BUILD/Contents/Plugins/” open each bundle and delete all the meta files in there.
Currently the only 3 values of interest are:
App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption | TRUE/FALSE | “App is using encryption that is exempt from EAR” Before you scare read Short answer, this for Unity, and this by Unity |
LSMinimumSystemVersion | 10.XX.X | Limit OS Version history |
GetInfoString | Copyright COMPANY 2022 | The copyrights to your game instead of Unity’s |
Will take the Info.plist from 1_MyBuild/YOUR.APP/Contents/Info.plist and paste it here. If there is already one in this folder it will make a backup copy just to be sure.
1_MyBuild/YOUR.APP/Contents/Info.plist | 4_InfoPlist/Info.plist |
Just double click and open with Xcode so you have access to the dropdown values to avoid typo’s. Change the values where needed using the first table.
Will replace the Info.plist in your build with the one you just made.
4_InfoPlist/Info.plist | 1_MyBuild/YOUR.APP/Contents/Info.plist |
Every app and plug-in uses an Info.plist file to store configuration data in a place where the system can easily access it. macOS and iOS use Info.plist files to determine what icon to display for a bundle, what document types an app supports, and many other behaviors that have an impact outside the bundle itself. More info on Info.plist @ Apple
Takes the Info.plist you just made and finds your BundleIdentifier. Opens all bundles in the plugins folder and replaces the BundleIdentifier value with yours.
For automation features call ./PluginsReplaceBundleId -h
Even the Unity services bundles need your BundleIdentifier, otherwise you will get errors when uploading to the Appstore.
QUOTE N3uRo Edit other “*.bundle”s Info.plist that has a “CFBundleIdentifier” to point to your identifier also. I had a problem with AVPro that had it’s own identifier that was not valid.
Bundle identifier | COM.COMPANY.APPNAME Its the one you created in the beginning in the Apple Developer Portal |
Bundle name | App name |
GetInfoString | The copyrights to your game instead of Unity’s |
BundleSignature | |
ApplicationCategory | Your category In Unity 2017.3 this seems to be ok, but you can avoid typo’s using the dropdown |
Localization native development region | The development language of the bundle. |
ShortVersionString | Version Build or version number should always be increased each time you upload to the Appstore as you cannot upload a package with identical version & build More on Version & build |
BundleVersion | Build number. Used to upload packages to the Appstore that you do not want to show in your public version. Can be the same as ShortVersionString, but if you want to change your screenshots at the Appstore you will need to send them a new package, with build you could hide this new version without increasing your version number. |
App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption | TRUE/FALSE - A.K.A “App is using encryption that is exempt from EAR” Before you scare read Short answer, this for Unity, and this by Unity |
CFBundleSupportedPlatforms | MacOSX Without this the application loader seems to default to iOS. Read More by N3uRo |
LSMinimumSystemVersion | Set to 10.10.0 if you are on Unity 2018 Version history |
App sandboxing is a security measure that Apple requires from all Appstore apps (which is why you always need this in your entitlements) Sandboxing restricts the privileges of an app so it cannot just open any directory on disk.
When you sign your app you add privileges through the entitlements file that add these to a signature that describes what you will access and need (e.g read/write in specific folders, access to Pictures, online connections, camera use,…) Codesigning will use your provisioning profile together with these entitlements to create a signature.
A consequence of this is that the information on your provisioning profile has to match to your entitlements. Your provisioning profile is static in the sense that you download it from your Apple account. You create an app, an identity that describes your intent AND enable and set up the capabilities you want to use, after which you download this into a file that contains all this general information of your app. Then in your entitlements you describe again exactly what you access with added detail. So if you use iCloud: what the iCloud Drive containers are called, that you will read/write files, that you need online access, etc…
Imagine you pass a checkpoint terminal on the airport. Your provisioning profile is your passport, your entitlements file is what you tell the customs officer. At the very least what’s on your passport has to match what you tell the officer or you get rejected.
Create an entitlements filed named “My.entitlements” and place it in either Development or Distribution depending on your needs. Again open this My.entitlements with XCode not in text editor to avoid typos.
/5_Entitlements/Distribution/MyDist.entitlements |
/5_Entitlements/Development/MyDev.entitlements |
Change it and basically describe what your app will need. At the very least it always needs set to yes
---|---|---| | YES | Always - Delete for STEAM | | TeamID.COM.COMPANY.GAME | Always | | TeamID | Always | | YES | If accessing things online | | development | Development build WITH Services | | CloudKit | iCloud | | your container identifiers (the Enabled iCloud Containers in the Capabilities of the Identifier used in your Provisioning Profile, likely in the form iCloud.COM.COMPANY.GAME) | iCloud | | YES | When using controllers | | YES | When using controllers | | YES | IAP & MONO | | YES | STEAM | | YES | STEAM |
There is a separate folder with entitlements for the development build. By default it’s an entitlements file with only set to YES.
A note on entitlements when notarizing for those who might be running into problems, especially when dealing with Steam:
Mono (which you have to use if you’re also using UnityIAP right now) requires:
Steam’s API requires: do not inlclude include include Without that set of entitlements, SteamAPI_Init will fail (return false) when running a notarized+stapled app bundle on macOS 10.14.
In the examples you can find other entitlements and an iCloud example to use it just move the file from examples to Development and rename it to “entitlement.plist” Be sure to read the Readme of SignAndPackage because you will need to preform another step with optool.
Depending on what you need you can bump into crashes when your app tries to access a specific service of function that requires entitlements. The crash report will tell you that an entitlement is needed. will need to adjust your entitlements accordingly.
(However, in some cases, improper iCloud entitlements can instead crash on launch with a Namespace CODESIGNING
error; so if you’re seeing this error, double-check your entitlements and the capabilities of the Identifier used in your Provisioning Profile.)
QUOTE Matthias @ GentlyMad (Entitlements file with only This is the most basic .entitlements file with near zero capabilities. It worked for our app, because we didn’t need anything special. It might not work for you! If it doesn’t work for you: Unity mentions the Unity Entitlements Tool to easily generate an .entitlements file but the link in the manual is broken. After some search: Here is the download link for the latest version . Luckily I didn’t need to use it for our little app, so good luck to you! Make sure you read the guide! Save the file with the .entitlements ending, for convenience it should be located besides your .app package.
QUOTE Zwilnik @Strangeflavour As the game’s going to work on Yosemite and Mavericks and be downloaded from the Mac App Store it MUST have the App Sandbox enabled. This protects users from any bugs in your code accessing and breaking things it shouldn’t. However it does mean you have to specifically add any features your app needs.
QUOTE Zwilnik You’ll need the App Sandbox entitlement (set to YES) and if you’re accessing anything on the internet, you’ll need set to YES too To cover Game-Center you have to manually add the following entitlements in your entitlements file (normally Xcode would handle this for you..) &
QUOTE Jeremy @ Kitteh Face […] once your app is signed it’s trapped in a sandbox environment, and the only light filters through gaps provided by those entitlements. In the case of a gamepad, we’re talking either USB (wired) or Bluetooth (wireless).
Create your entitlements file and place it in the same folder as your build. You could place it anywhere you just have to reference the correct folder when you call codesign in the terminal.
Making any adjustment to your build after you signing it is like opening a sealed letter. So everytime you changed something you need to reapply the seal.
First before signing you have to edit the Unity binary following this step from Kittehface (If you already signed then sign again after this step) You have to sign last because this step will modify your build which will subsequently invalidate your signing.
Modify the Unity executable to link the CloudKit framework. Following from the eppz! blog
We found that without this - even though the CloudKit framework is linked in the Prime31 plugin - actual calls to CloudKit will fail with the error “connection to service names was invalidated”.
From your keychain. Looks like this “TEAM NAME (XXXXXXXXXX)” Where the XXXXXXXXXX is your team id. Copy it exactly as it is, so no spaces before or after. Example where to find
Select the profile in the finder and press space to preview the file, then look for:
Certificates > Mac Developer : "YOUR NAME (XXXXXXXXXX)"
Like in the previous chapter go to Membership and copy your team name and team ID there and put it in this format: “TEAM NAME (XXXXXXXXXX)”
IMPORTANT If your team name has spaces in it they also have to be included. So full team name including spaces then again a space after and then in between parentheses your team id. Ok three examples:
To sign your testing builds you need a personal name and id. Note that the ID is different than your team id (the XXXXXXXXXX) You can find them in the same places previously described. The format stays the same only it’s your name (if you set up your Mac with your name) So example
When prompted enter : dev, appstore, installer,zip
dev | Development | 7_Distribution/VERSION/Development |
appstore | Appstore | 7_Distribution/VERSION/Appstore/ |
installer | Distribute outside Appstore | 7_Distribution/VERSION/Installer/ |
zip | Distribute outside Appstore | 7_Distribution/VERSION/Zip/ |
./SignAndPackage -h
IMPORTANT if signing is successful and you have signed for the first time you will be prompted to add “codesign” to your keychain. Always allow
Based on this post notarisation requires the –timestamp & --options=runtime code sign options. Runtime will be REQUIRED the first of January*. We have not released a build with notarisation but there is a full guide by dpid here.
Reads your new Info.plist and finds version & build to create a final folder based on your values so you can keep track of which builds were made for what. If you use the same value for build & version only version will be used, otherwise it will create a folder named “VERSION”+b+”BUILD” (e.g. 1.0b0).
At “1_MyBuild/YOUR_GAME/Contents/”
Depending on your choice between appstore, dev or outside the correct provisioningprofile will be copied to your game as “embedded.provisioningprofile“
0_BeforeYouBuild/ProvisioningProfiles/CHOICE/MY.provisioningprofile | 1_MyBuild/YOUR_GAME/Contents/embedded.provisioningprofile |
NOTE That when zipping your build this profile will not be included as I am not clear yet if this is required. When you build your pkg your profile is integrated. With a zip it would just reside loose in the directory. So as I’m not sure I deleted it before zipping.
All code needs to be signed for your app to be approved. Sometimes –deep does not work so we manually sign all the code we (know) and loop over all the .bundles in your plugin folder. For us this worked out, but if you know of more generic libraries that should be added please let me know.
all files in appDir/Contents/Frameworks/ | .dylib |
all files in appDir/Contents/Plugins/ | .bundle |
all files in appDir/Contents/Plugins/ | .so |
YOUR_BUILD | .app |
If your code signing fails with the error “your app is not signed at all” look for missed dylibs or plugins in the response and sign them to.
If your build is rejected because of unsigned files you will probably need to do this and codesign with –deep, but when we send a build to the App Store I’ll adjust this readme.
See if everything worked out.
At "/7_Distribution/VERSION/CHOICE"
When creating any installer make a duplicate of the correct provisioning profile, rename it to embedded.provisioningprofile and place it in YOUR_BUILD/Contents. Read more at Strangeflavour
In this order
codesign --entitlements "DIR_Entitlements" --force --verify --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: TEAM NAME (TEAM_ID)" --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,flags "appDir"
–deep | Go through all subfolders to sign everything |
–force | Resign everything that has been signed |
–verify | See if things got signed |
–entitlements | Location of your entitlements |
–sign | Signing command |
–timestamp | Required for Notarisation |
–options=runtime | Required for Notarisation |
–preserve-metadata | Preserve previous signatures Read More |
Codesign Manual | Read up on all options |
–sign “appDir” Mac Developer: DEV NAME (TEAM_ID) | Development |
–sign “appDir” Developer ID Application: TEAM NAME (TEAM_ID) | Installer outside Appstore |
–sign “appDir” 3rd Party Mac Developer Application: TEAM NAME (TEAM_ID) | Appstore |
codesign --entitlements "DIR_Entitlements" --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: TEAM NAME (TEAM_ID)" "appDir"
codesign --entitlements "DIR_Entitlements" --timestamp --options=runtime --sign "Developer ID Application: TEAM NAME (TEAM_ID)" "appDir"
codesign --entitlements "DIR_Entitlements" --sign "Mac Developer: DEV NAME (DEV_ID)" "appDir"
productbuild --component “$appDir” “/Applications” --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: TEAMNAME (TEAM_ID)" "$appName.pkg
productbuild --component “$appDir” “/Applications” --sign "Developer ID Installer: TEAMNAME (TEAM_ID)" "$appName.pkg
If your app opens and crashes when you access a capability like iCloud this means you made a mistake in describing iCloud in either Entitlements / provisioning profile ( and subsequently Dev Center)
Namespace CODESIGNING, Code 0x1
Check the iCloud container key in entitlements not matching the used provisioning profile or other features not matching between provisioning profile & iCloud.
APPSTORE BUILDS You are not allowed to open your builds until they get approved for the Appstore. Tools like sctl will also return rejected.
When Installing the installer will default to the directory of your build. e.g. /1_MyBuild/App and not the application folder. This is because there can only be one installed copy of your final product so if you cannot find your new installation, start by checking if “/1_MyBuild/” was replaced with your install. If so either test the application from here or if you want your testing build in the applications folder, delete your build before installing your final pkg.
QUOTE Mark-ffrench Installing the pkg file should, in theory, install the app in the /Applications folder. However, there are a couple of other possible issues that you might encounter: If OSX already thinks you have a copy of your app anywhere on your mac, it will install your new version over it. This could be anywhere on your hard drive, so make sure that the app you are trying to run after installation is the one that has actually been updated by the installer. Your best bet is to try track down all copies of your app and delete them.
Open your game and check the logs (Applications > Utilities > Console) for errors and use that as reference to Google yourself out.
Location Log files
~/Library/Containers/<your app ID>/Data/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log [**QUOTE "Joel @ Kitteh Face"**]( Note that the game will run in sandbox mode. This means all of its files will be written to ~/Library/Containers/<your app ID>/Data/Library/. Where the Unity documentation says the log file writes to ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log, the sandboxed version is in ~/Library/Containers/<your app ID>/Data/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log. Also of note, even though the game is sandboxed, it will use the iCloud credentials that the current machine is using.
QUOTE “Joel @ Kitteh Face” *Sign into iCloud on your test Mac. Make sure you have iCloud Drive enabled on your device, or CloudKit will not work.
If you cannot open your build it’s possible you forgot to uncheck “Mac Appstore validation” in the player settings when you made your Unity build.
We have no experience with Notarisation so follow this guide for notarisation by dpid
25/10/19 [BUT Read these tests before moving forward] (
You can test your Appstore build with the “dev” option and “Mac Appstore validation” set too true in Unity ( see previous chapters )
QUOTE “Zwilnik @ Strange flavour” When you launch the game, you should see a dialog pop up that tells you that the game was purchased by a different account, so you need to sign in with one of your Mac App Store Sandbox test IDs here for the game to launch. Don’t use your normal login, it must be a Sandbox ID. You can create sandbox users here at iTunes Connect
Fill in the details for your App such as description, keywords,… Make sure here you DO NOT reference other platforms.
Now add Screenshots (Min 1 - Max 10) as they are required for your upload (Screenshot specifications). If you have it also add your app preview video. guidelines
Quote Victor Leung After filling in the form, you will also need to spend some time to take screenshots, and crop them in the right size. Only the following sizes are allowed:
IMPORTANT Once you upload your build for review with your screenshots, those screenshots are stuck. Meaning you need to upload a new build to replace the previous screenshots.
XCODE11 Application loader has been removed from Xcode 11 so either download an older version here Or download application Loader 3.0 here
To use the old Application loader you need to generate an APP-SPECIFIC PASSWORD [at Apple here] ( and give this password when prompted.
DEPRICATED In Xcode Top Menu “Xcode” > Open Developer Tools > Application loader.
Go to Itunes Connect > Your App > Activity and check if your build is there. After uploading a build it can take 5 minutes to 1 hour (or longer) to finish processing in Appstore connect.
Now open the Prepare for submission (in the Appstore tab of Your game/app). Select your build, fill in the contact info and click on Send for review.
Is your app designed to use cryptography or does it contain or incorporate cryptography? (Select Yes even if your app is only utilizing the encryption available in iOS or macOS.)
Does your app contain, display, or access third-party content?
The review process can go from a few hours up to 7 days depending on the complexity of your game and some other factors like Christmas.
If you upload a new package to the Appstore after a rejection, you will not be able to reply on the previous answer of Apple. So if there are things you need to tell/ask the Review people do it when your App gets rejected in Appstore Connect.
QUOTE “Victor Leung” If you got an email with issues, Invalid Signature — The main app bundle game at path has following signing error(s): invalid Info.plist (plist or signature have been modified) In architecture: i386 . It is probably one of your subcomponent didn’t sign correctly, which you may need to spend sometime on Apple documentations to understand how it works.
READ UP ON : Most common reasons for rejection
If you are uploading an app with IAP for the first time you have to know that it takes some time for the IAP to get linked with Apple (this also applies to future updates, though updates are alot faster) With us it took about 6 hours (on iOS) so don’t do like we did and panic at 6 O’clock in the morning, just go to sleep and give it some time :)
Don’t worry you don’t need to go through everything again. You just run RepeatForUpdatedBuild and it will go through all the steps with the data you used. But don’t forget to increase the version and/or build number in Info.plist for a new build.